Monday, October 06, 2008

Your Monday Upper: Cute Man This, Great Big Kiss

Mondays suck. So every Monday TNG brings you a fun video to ease the pain.

Do you ever think to yourself "I want to have a a really fun night tonight," but you drink two martinis at dinner to make that happen and get too drunk to know if you really had fun or not? I never did that before this past Saturday, and now I know never to do that again. I made an ass of myself and my head still hurts. But I do believe I was being very friendly to many, many people... which has inspired me to post the Animaniacs international friendship song.

Did anyone else like this as much as I did when they were younger? It was probably stuck in my head for two years. Dare you to only listen once!


:0 said...


I completely forgot about animaniacs...I had my heart for tiny tunes.

Fredo said...

Great. Yesterday, someone stuck "Yakko's (now outdated) World" into my head; today it's "Schnitzelbank."


Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Uggg.... I LOVED the show... but I worked at the Warner Brother's Studio Store at the time as a sales guy, while in college. The Yacko, Wacko, and Dot songs kept getting stuck in my head... but damn, that was a great show!