Is Sarah Palin Really Pro-Family?
I confess that I'm generally apolitical. I know that no one will ever measure up to my standards for a leader, so I just duck out of the whole process and vote for the lesser of the evils during the general elections. This condition is especially understandable considering that I'm a voter in the District of Columbia, where our primaries always go Democrat. Why should I bother getting all excited about the election when there's very little I can do to effect its outcome?
That being said, I did stop into the Duplex Diner last night to catch the end of the vice-presidential debate, have a drink and listen to Robert spin some tunes. (Nice job, Robert, starting off your post-debate set with The Beatles' Revolution!) Again, I caught very little of the debate, and that which I did catch was muffled and hard to hear. But I did see one thing that caught my eye, and that convinced me that Sarah Palin's "pro-family" stance is a big hoax.
After the debate was over, and everyone was shaking hands on the stage, she pulled out her ace-in-the-hole: her Down Syndrome baby, Trig Palin!
It was around 9:45 PM Central Time. Sarah was working late. Her baby should have been at home and in bed. Instead, she was carting him around like some sort of badge of honor. If she really cared about this little life-form, this fruit of her womb, she'd have the little one at home and asleep.
I tried fishing around for an image to prove that she paraded him around after the debates, but was unable to find one (yet). However, I did find this interesting bulletin board post, where someone viewing the debate after-party expressed shock that the veep candidate was dragging her special needs kid around a very loud party at 11 PM.
I'm waiting for an SNL skit portraying Sarah Palin as president of the US, after McCain succumbs to whatever ailment hits him one week after inauguration day. In this skit, she'll have little Trig slung over her shoulder while she's signing peace accords with Iran. Cut to her burping Trig while giving the state of the union address. Cut to her taking a break from inspecting the site of the next terrorist attack against the US to wipe Trig's ass and put on a fresh diaper. Cut to her reading "The Pet Goat" to him while the Russians, whose land she can see from her house, invade the US with the help of the Mexicans, the Afghans and the Canadians (who are just sick of our snobbery).
I have nothing against Sarah Palin being a woman running for the vice-presidential seat. I would have supported Hillary in her bid for president if she'd gotten the nomination. What I take objection to is how she's using her motherhood for political gain, at the expense of the welfare of her family. I appreciate her family-first attitude, but that's not the sort of attitude I want in a political leader who might be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Wouldn't her family and our country be better served if she focused on her potential job of protecting our collective future?
Sarah, we know you're a mother of 5. Leave the infant at home.
yeah, wtf! that camera staye on palin's baby back-patting longer than a catherine breillat rape scene!
though i agree it's gross how she's exploiting her family, there are some assumptions about baby parenting you make here that are, well, incorrect. infants that young don't sleep through the night the way kids and adults do--or for that matter, more than a few hours. it's very plausible 9:45pm (or 11pm or 1am or 3am) is one of his feeding times, and it's also plausible she was taking him backstage to breast-feed. if she is, in fact, breast-feeding, it makes perfect sense that the baby might stay with her at all/most times--infants need to be fed every couple hours.
that's not to say she isn't being disgusting in her use of her family. she is. but there are much better cases than this (misguided) one to make.
I don't like Palin, but I disagree with all this mama-hating. Babies sleep anywhere and everywhere, I don't think it makes much of a difference. Let her tote him if she wants; it may even be likely that she was so effing nervous to make of a fool of herself nationally that she did want her whole family to be there when it was over. Ultimately, whether this woman makes it to the white house is gonna matter if the voters are ignorant or not, not whether or not she burped her baby at 9:45.
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