Blog of the Week:
Every Tuesday TNG's Allison features a blog that has made surfing the internet more substantive and worthwhile. This week, TNG gives a big shout out to Jasmyne Cannick, writer and creator of, is someone women should look up to. Her site stresses the importance of national politics, gives her candid observations about racism and prejudice within the gay community, and shows her readers a sense of who she is and what she believes in. She is a writer, a journalist and an activist who writes with firm conviction and a sardonic edge.
Here is what Jasmyne Cannick has to say about her "online alter ego..."
Really, it's just my little space on the world wide Internet to share what's good and what's not so good in the hood, and in my life. Ocasionally, I start a little shit here and there, but who doesn't? I actually started my site because my boy Keith Boykin had and I was like--oh hell to the no! I can't let Keith have a site and I don't, so I had to get my act together...
While I love my website, unfortunately it doesn't pay the bills,...--okay it doesn't pay the big bills. By that I mean that I am not a 24/7 blogger. I don't have a degree in blogging. I work in politics and in the media. So when I can update my site, I do. When I can't, I don't. And for me to update my site over the weekend--well let's just say it has to be something really important because I am a Monday through Friday kind of girl. I do have a life. Nah, who am I kidding, I don't have a life outside of work, but the weekends are mine.
I do all of my own design work on my site so I don't have to wait on anyone. From html to PHP scripts, I got it covered. My friend Bobby Jones aka Son of Ellis ( designs the wonderful cartoon graphic of me that are featured on my site. I encourage all people who read my site to get to know my F.A.Q.'s page. It will save them the trouble of sending me an email the won't get read and me the trouble of deleting it. There are rules of decorum for my site as people can get a little testy and all bent out of shape forgetting that they are reading and not or some shit like that. It's my site, my rules, my thoughts, my life. I tell people who don't like, don't read it, don't come to the site. I will survive. But for those haters that just have to come and bitch and complain, I set up a special email box for them... My girl Jenifer Lewis says it best in the movie "Jackie's Back."
Cannick is not just someone who writes about her experiences; she mobilizes others to live better and fight against prejudice with knowledge, confidence and wisdom. She acknowledges the complexity of major political and human rights issues, not giving in to generalizations that can set back societal advances. Cannick's activism and life experiences, in my mind, make her the ultimate powerhouse.
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