Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Video Roundup

Congress passed the financial crisis bailout bill on Friday. How we got to that point is explained humorously in this video, which was released A YEAR ago. Prophetic, isn't it?

Food for thought:
"$700 billion could completely rebuild the US passenger system! All the way to complete eletrification and to the same standards the French enjoy with their TGVs. Its enough money to bring service to every town of 5000 and up."

Below the fold, the highlight of a major epidemic, the cast of Saturday Night live in a brilliant satire of the government bailout, Bill Maher taking on the pharmaceutical industry, and a Henry Rollins riff on rave and modern rock music.

Noted photojournalist James Nachtwey has asked bloggers to share his photos of the growing XDR-TB epidemic, a deadly new mutation of tuberculosis. Spurred by Nachtwey's photos and their online dissemination, both presidential candidates have issued statements.

Learn 3 quick ways to help at

The Biden/Palin debate. Tina Fey returns!

The cast of SNL approves the bailout package. Vicious, but they could have gone farther.

We won't stop being sick until we stop making ourselves sick. Bill Maher takes on big-pharma.

Henry Rollins on rave and modern rock music. I too still "want to fuck on the floor and break shit."

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