Saturday: TNG Day at the Beach
It has become clear through your reactions to several recent posts that you, the TNG readers, are looking for a wider range of non-drinking social events. We're still working on getting some really awesome ones finalized, but in the meantime we wanted to show you that we're listening.
So come join us this Saturday for TNG's first ever co-ed, straight friendly, "Day At The Beach." The beach in question will actually be P Street Beach, the small section of park that runs along the Rock Creek at the intersection of P and 23rd Sts NW, just east of the P St. Bridge. We know the park has it's seamier elements, but its centrally located and deceptively pretty. (and yes, we cleared this with the organizers of Saturgays.)
This is an entirely unstructured event. Between 2 and 5 p.m., show up with anything you would need to enjoy an afternoon at the park. That could include your dog, a frisbee, lunch, or just a blanket and a walkman. And if you would like to use this as a launching pad for a longer hike or walk, you can email the TNG-Meetup group to find some company.
In summary: This Saturday, Oct. 11th, from 2:00 to 5 PM. "P Street Beach." P St @ 23rd St. NW. If it rains so much as to keep people in doors, we will reschedule.
@antoine: are you LOL-ing the antiquated technology, or the fact that someone would wear headphones to a social event? Either is pretty chuckle-inspiring.
Are there any guidebooks for chilling at the park and not futzing it up? Something along the lines of 'Kicking It at the Park--A How To Guide", or maybe "Urban Park Chilling for Dummies" is what I'm thinking.
I mean, introducing myself to people at random is almost out of the question. "Hi, I'm Sid H. Young and this is my turtle shell".
It's easier to watch others being social. It's just like being a part of the group but not--baby steps to being a well socialized pack animal. Back to my den/lair/hole...
j anthony: I'm glad I'm not the only one with that anxiety. Maybe we could have a special blanket for those people who are shy about introducing themselves to strangers.
I would be willing to bring my soccer ball or kickball. That way we could do something to relieve the tension of just being social.
trae: That's awesome. Sooner or later somebody setting on the shy blanket will have to say something to someone else and if it gets too awkward it will be okay just to say hi and stare at the ground for a while. LOL.
Guess I could bring my dog; she isn't shy and she only has 2 teeth so she can't bite or steal blanket food. :)
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