Gay (and Lesbian?) Book Club Roundup
It occurred to me that, rather than announcing area gay book club events individually, as I have been wont to do, it might make more sense to occasionally round up what's coming up into one, handy-dandy guide. So: below the fold are the current offerings and meeting dates for The Big Gay Book Group; Bookmen DC; and Lavender Book Club. All these groups welcome newcomers with open arms. All meetings last an hour; BGBG may go a bit longer.
If you know of any others in the area that I'm missing here, let me know. And are there any lesbian-centered book clubs around? I've been unaware of any since the wonderful and too-short-lived Reading Between the Lines dissolved. E-mail me with information and I can include them in future roundups:
The Big Gay Book Group: Wednesday, 10/8. 7 p.m. at Timberlake's Restaurant. If you plan to attend, contact so that the group leader can let the restaurant know how many people to expect.
This Month's Book: Andrew W.M. Beierle, First Person Plural. Beierle, the author of The Winter of Our Discotheque, is a local writer and will be joining the discussion about this novel, the story of Owen and Porter, a pair of conjoined twins, one gay and one straight. A touching and funny book.
Lavender Book Club: Tuesday, 10/28. 7:30 p.m. at Borders (18th and L Street, NW).
This Month's Book: If you can't read it in time for the meeting tomorrow (or just want to talk about it again with a different crew), you get another shot at Andrew W.M. Beierle's First Person Plural. Andrew will also attend this meeting, and he's a great guy, so come on out!
Bookmen DC: Wednesday 10/15. 7:30 p.m. at the Charles Sumner School (1201 17th Street, NW; a sumptuous venue!).
Their Next Book: pp. 117-184 of Men of Mystery: Homoerotic Tales of Intrigue and Suspense, edited by Sean Meriwether and Greg Wharton. More short stories featuring intense and dangerous situations.
I LOVE roundups! All those cowboys, the fabulous footwear, great leather accessories and, oh wait...
This is a pretty helpful post. For those that don't know, Lambda offers a discount to book group members on the current month's selection--if you like your books all new and stuff.
I'm a member of The Big Gay Book Group, it's a pretty easygoing crowd so if you are super shy that's okay you can just listen and no one will look at you funny. I won't be at this meeting (first night of line dancing lessons!), but next month I'll be on the scene, so if anyone from here wants to say howdy please do so.
Great idea -- it's fantastic learning about more book clubs.
Lambda Sci-Fi has a book club as part of their activities (and it's open to all, you don't have to be a member); details are at
All three groups listed here are friendly and low-key, and new members are always welcome. They're all also "show up when you have time and want to" groups -- there's no mandatory attendance to be part of the group.
Thanks for the info. about the sci-fi/genre bookclub, Greg. I've also been told by a couple of people about a lesbian book group in the area, so I'll be passing more information along to readers soon.
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