Thursday, October 02, 2008

Belling The Cat: TNG Needs Event Planners

Here at TNG, we are doing our best to provide alternative queer events that fall outside the gay mainstream and appeal to those who don't feel served by the traditional queer social spaces. However, it has become clear through comments on Amy's recent post that we could be doing more to serve our readers. Throwing bar nights and dance parties has been a good start but we need more. Some of you suggested that we throw events during the daytime. Others would like to see night time non-bar events. This all sounds great to us.

Here's the chance to actually be the change you want to see on TNG. If you are interested in helping us throw more (and different) events, send an email to You've all shown us that you have good ideas, so now's the chance to implement them.

Some ideas that have been floated so far include BBQs, neighborhood walks, movie screenings and kickball teams. The possibilities are endless... after you take into account the need for spaces large enough to accommodate a potentially sizeable crowd of fun-seeking homos without interrupting the normal flow of business. But that is surmountable, and I'm sure some one up there is up for the challenge. You just let us know you're interested and we'll point you in the right direction.

So send us an email and help make TNG better. We can't do it without you.

NOTE: Leaving a comment below with your idea for a weekend event is not the most effective way to help us plan events. Instead, email us and we will help you plan and facilitate an outing. Trying to plan it via the comments will quickly spiral out of control and be frustrating for all involved.


Steve said...

I must express my firm opposition to a kickball team. Kickball is for douchebags. Die yuppie kickball!!!!

Anonymous said...

Would anyone be interested in joining me for a short, easy hike on a section of the Capitol Crescent Trail on the afternoon of Saturday, October the 11th? I think that's a good place to start.

Daniel said...

As somebody with next to no sports skill, I wouldn't participate on a kickball games. But I would be more than happy to drink bear on the stands and occasionally cheer when my hands are not holding a 40 and a dog.

@landoftrolls: I would love to join you then, but that's the day of the Baltimore Run and I would be too beat to join you. However, I believe the idea of walking tours is awesome, because is free and takes outside, away from enclosed spaces and self-enclosing groups.

A picnic or museum visits would work well, too. A monuments tour? I've lived in DC for 14 years and I know I haven't seen all of them yet. Who has been to Roosevelt Island?

JAE said...

Anybody want to play paintball some weekend?

I'm up for museums, hikes, Roosevelt Island (never been), etcetera...

Philip said...

Roosevelt Island is gorgeous and accessible. It's not too strenuous, but there's some great wildlife and pretty trails. LoT's suggestions of Capitol Crescent Trail and others' mention of Great Falls would be good, too.

Also, I have to put in a plug for the National Portrait Gallery/American Art museum. Two fantastic museums on one site, and they've been doing a string of amazing exhibits recently.

Anonymous said...

re: Philip

Yes to everything. Let's do it. I've never been to Roosevelt Island and I haven't been to museum in a while. I think Capitol Crescent and Great Falls are fantastic. I'd go out of my way to join a TNG group at any of these locations.

Never played paintball but I'm in.

Ben Dursch, GRI said...

It would also be fun to get an informal touch football or soccer game together. Not a competitive game but simply to have fun. Mistakes, lack of skill and learning something new are part of having fun.

Is rock climbing an option? There are some great walls along the Potomac River in Great Falls Park. Of course you need to know how to repel. Maybe we could organize a class at Earthtreks in Rockville for folks to learn basic rock climbing and how to repel? The Introduction to Climbing class is $35. The Introductory Package (which includes a free 15 day climbing pass) is $69. This cost is comparable to what some spend out in one night. I have a car and am happy to give rides.


If we can organize carpools maybe we can look farther afield at hiking trips to the Eastern Shore and Virginia?

Architectural tours may be of interest to some. Just down the road from Mt. Vernon is Frank Lloyd Wright's Pope-Leahy house. A 67 year old example of his Usonian style.

These are just a few thoughts I had to help get things going.

Anonymous said...

Wow. All of these are great suggestions. I'd be in for just about any of them. I'd even participate in sports activities if, as ben43 suggests, there would be no recriminations.

Landoftrolls: I'd love to join you for a hike, but it looks like I'll be in Rehoboth Beach that day. Keep me in mind for next time, though.

Ben Dursch, GRI said...

re: trae.

Sounds good. How about a touch football or soccer game where a complete lack of skill is the point? Again, it's all just to have fun and work together as a team.

Anonymous said...

Soccer. Yes, lets do it. I'm up for anytime, anywhere.

I promise not to bring my A-game as to intimidate everyone else....

Anonymous said...

Soocer sounds excellent!
Alos, maybe next year we can get a TNG team together for the AIDS walk.

JAE said...

Lots of good ideas.

Maybe TNG could throw a poll up and the top 3 activities with the most responses get dates on the calendar and the full event planning treatment?

The people into ideas with less of a following could just get in touch with each other--the scale would be smaller but the same objective is met right?

Daniel said...

If anybody wants to do the AIDS Walk with us tomorrow, my team 'Milosh & Varusha Fight The AIDS', will be there since 8 or so if any of you would like to join us.

Starting a TNG team would be pretty cool. I know that my experience was a lot of fun. When Patrick and I started the team, we only expected to raise about a $1,000 if we were lucky, and have a few friends walk with us. In the end, we raised over $3,500 and have 16 registered team members! Along the way, we had a great time, fun get-togethers, and in the end we managed to do some good.

smergio said...

kickball, as any other sport can be lame. the only way for it to not suck is for players to be non-competitive and more interested in playing for the FUN of it.