Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain Should Apologize for Almost Making Me Cancel My Debate Watching Party

Dear John McCain:
We, like you, are very busy this election season. Many of us even work for a non-partisan organizations that encourage ALL people to vote even though, many of us are staunch democrats. Please apologize to my peers and me for almost making political enthusiasts cancel their debate watching parties scheduled to take place Friday evening, so that you can cater to Wall Street’s superficial needs. Some of us even made homemade guacamole to serve. Helping corporations on Wall Street get their money only puts a band aid over larger housing/real-estate issues.
Xoxo, Allison

1 comment:

Andrew said...

F'real. Now you can't even invite that cute guy/girl you've had your eye to your debate party, and then proceed to mack on them with your witty insights on the political process (and the fact that Jim Lehrer is also an accomplished novelist).

I suppose a West Wing marathon will have to do.

Damn you McCain!!!!