Funny or No Tickets!
So... everybody knows that TNG <3's Black Cat. But guess what, everybody! Black Cat totally <3's TNG! They really, really do! And you know what it's like when you're in love, right? You just want to spread that love and joy to everyone in the whole world. Well, we thought why not pass the love on to you, our loyal readers? To that end, the Cat has graciously offered to sponsor a contest here on that, from time to time, could score one or two of you lucky TNGs a pair of free tickets to an upcoming show. What do you have to do in order to win? Find out below the fold!
It's simple, really. Be funny! Or no tickets! Hence the name of the game. Maybe we'll ask you to answer a question. Maybe we'll ask you to caption a photo. Whatever it is, the rules remain the same: make us, your humble TNG staff, chuckle. Titter. Guffaw. Maybe even snarf! Who knows?
For this week's contest, put on your comedy caps and answer us this:
How did The Black Cat and The New Gay fall in love?
The two people who throw out the most hilarious, most entertaining answers will each win a pair of tickets to the Juan MacLean show this Monday, September 29th. (No, really!) Leave your funny in the comments, and remember the deadline for entries is Sunday, September 28th at 11:59 PM. The winners will be announced Monday morning. Godspeed and happy, uh... joke-making!
(Except be funnier than that...)
P.S. To sweeten the deal, here's a clip of what you're playing for.
1 comment:
The New Gay had never loved pussy the way it did when it saw the Black Cat, and knew it must be love.
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