Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ask A Straight Guy: Oxford Collapse's Mike Pace

Oxford Collapse's Mike Pace tickles the ivories.

An indie band? From Brooklyn? I didn't believe it either, but I'm sure that Oxford Collapse's Myspace profile wouldn't lie. The bands snappy guitars and delivery have more than a little in common with We Are Scientists, for whom they opened at the Black Cat in August. In honor of their return to D.C., we subjected their guitarist/vocalist Mike Pace to inaugurate the return of Ask A Straight Person, where some of the dumb questions that gay people are asked get turned around on today's indie musicians. Full set of questions below the fold.

Oxford Collapse plays tonight at the Black Cat Backstage. Doors at 8. $10.

The New Gay: When did you first realize you were straight?

Mike Pace: When I discovered a stack of my father’s old Playboys in our basement when I was 11.

TNG: What is your least favorite stereotype about straight people?

MP: That we’re all beer-swillin’,flannel-wearin’, Emeril watchin’, Spaghetti-o-eatin, Nixon lovin’ mooks sittin’ on a hamburger.

TNG: What obligations, if any, do you feel that you have to the gay community?

MP: To let them know, “sorry guys, we’re not gay,” although our drummer Dan is working on an adaptation of “Dancer and the Dance[sic] for the big screen, starring Al Pacino.

TNG: What are the biggest challenges faced by a straight guy in today's culture?

MP: Knowing that it’s okay to be “gay for a day” without fear of reprisal. I have no idea what that means. Girls just wanna have fun.

TNG: If you had to "go gay" for one member of the same sex, who would it be?

MP: Robert Redford circa “Jeremiah Johnson” or Martin Van Buren.

TNG: Given the seemingly endless number of "indie" bands in existence today, how do you think you set yourself apart from the crowd?

MP: Unlike most “indie” bands, none of us are gay. NOT THAT THERE’S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!

TNG: Finally, why should Washington , DC come out and see you play tonight?

MP: Because we’ve been told that our live show is very gay and very Presidential, but not in that order.

1 comment:

Robert said...

I for one am thrilled to see this column back.