Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tonight: DJ PJ @ Taint

He's being modest about it, but TNG Michael will be DJing at Taint tonight between 9:30 and 11 under the alias of DJ PJ. I've been less than impressed with the music the last few times I've been to Taint (minus a set by Hej Hej proprietress Natalya), so I think this would be a good time to go hear some actual good songs. I'm unfortunately out of town right now, but I think all you out there in TNG-ville should check it out and tell me how it goes.


Anonymous said...


i went and was pleasantly surprised by the high brow beats. clubbing here can be sad for someone that actually enjoys music. at least if you're not interested in torch songs sung to bad techno.

hate to be elitist, o.k. not really, but right on to michael. oh and he's cute too.

meichler said...

well, at least I had a great time. it started off slowly, but before the end of my set i had a lot of bodies moving on the dance floor. when I cut off the stone roses' fool's gold early, I definitely heard some negative reactions from the crowd. So I guess that means they were listening. Thanks to all y'all who came out and had fun at Taint tonight. I definitely had a blast.